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Stories on the Power of the Rosary

We all love a good story especially one with heroes fighting villains against impossible odds and then finally triumphing against them! 

And so, heeding the call of Fr Terence Kesavan to share stories of faith in accordance with the Storytelling theme of this year's World Communications Day (#WCDweavingstories) on 24 May 2020, I would like to share personal stories as well as my favourite stories on the power of the Rosary here.

I first witnessed the power of the Rosary during my university days. There was once I was totally unprepared for an exam and tried desperately to find help the night before the exam. I was really very stressed because if I fail even one exam, I might lose my scholarship and even have to pay back a huge sum of money!

My mom noticed my anxiety and did what she normally do when in trouble: she took out her Rosary and prayed throughout the night for me. Somehow, miraculously, help came to me that very night and I not only passed the exam, I scored a "B"! Read the whole story here!

I was also searching for the Truth during that period and by praying the daily Rosary, the Lord showed me the way back to the Catholic Church (I was contemplating other faiths) and I never looked back since then!

Now I would like to share 3 of my favourite stories on the Rosary over a span of 800 years:

1. The Battle of Muret: This was the very first glorious victory of the Rosary in 1213 when Simon de Montfort was tasked by the Pope to capture Muret, the stronghold of the heretical Albigensians. However, Simon only had a tiny army of 1,500 and he was up against an army of 30,000! Fortunately, St Dominic was on his side and during the battle, St Dominic, prayed the Rosary in a church and when he completed the prayer, Simon completely destroyed the enemy!

2. World War I: On 13 May 1917, the Virgin Mary appeared to 3 shepherd children to request them to pray the Rosary daily in order to end World War I. The war eventually ended in Nov 1918 and this apparition came to be known as one of the greatest Marian apparitions of all time: Our Lady of Fatima.

3. Boko Haram: In April 2014, Boko Haram became known to the world when it kidnapped 276 young girls from a school in Nigeria, Africa. The world was at a loss but in December that year, Jesus appeared to Bishop Oliver Dashe Doeme in Nigeria and instructed him to use the Rosary as a weapon. Bishop Doeme began to promote the Rosary in his diocese and in 2017, many girls were released and many Boko Haram members surrendered - read the full story here!

Hope you've enjoyed my stories ! What about your own faith story? Do share in the comments below and inspire others too!

"I will tell of thy name to my brethren; in the midst of the congregation I will praise thee." Psalm 22:22

"Go home to your friends, and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you." Mark 5:19


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